In [1]:
# Import some libraries that will be necessary for working with data and displaying plots
# To visualize plots in the notebook
%matplotlib inline
#import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import # To read matlab files
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn import model_selection
import pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 9, 7
In [2]:
# Load dataset
matvar ='Dataset2D.mat')
Xtrain = matvar['xTrain']
Xtest = matvar['xTest']
Xval = matvar['xVal']
# We must use astype(int) to convert the original target values (which are unsigned integers) to int.
Ytrain = matvar['yTrain'].astype(int)
Ytest = matvar['yTest'].astype(int)
Yval = matvar['yVal'].astype(int)
In [3]:
# <SOL>
# Data normalization
def normalize(X, mx=None, sx=None):
# Compute means and standard deviations
if mx is None:
mx = np.mean(X, axis=0)
if sx is None:
sx = np.std(X, axis=0)
# Normalize
X0 = (X-mx)/sx
return X0, mx, sx
# Normalize data
Xtrain, mx, sx = normalize(Xtrain)
Xval, mx, sx = normalize(Xval, mx, sx)
Xtest, mx, sx = normalize(Xtest, mx, sx)
n_tr = Xtrain.shape[0]
n_val = Xval.shape[0]
n_tst = Xtest.shape[0]
print('The number of training samples is ' + str(n_tr))
print('The number of validation samples is ' + str(n_val))
print('The number of test samples is ' + str(n_tst))
print('The data dimension is ' + str(Xtrain.shape[1]))
# </SOL>
# Check normalization
print(np.mean(Xtrain, axis=0))
print(np.mean(Xval, axis=0))
print(np.mean(Xtest, axis=0))
print(np.std(Xtrain, axis=0))
print(np.std(Xval, axis=0))
print(np.std(Xtest, axis=0))
Visualize the input variables from the training set in a 2-dimensional plot.
In [4]:
# Data visualization. This works for dimension 2 only.
if Xtrain.shape[1]==2:
plt.scatter(Xtrain[:, 0], Xtrain[:, 1], c=Ytrain.flatten(), s=50, cmap='copper')
plt.xlabel("$x_0$", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("$x_1$", fontsize=14)
First we will analyze the behavior of logistic regression for this dataset.
Implement a function to compute the MAP estimate of the parameters of a linear logistic regression model with Gaussian prior and a given value of the inverse regularization parameter $C$. The method should return the estimated parameter and the negative log-likelihood, $\text{NLL}({\bf w})$. The sintaxis must be
w, NLL = logregFitR(Z_tr, Y_tr, rho, C, n_it)
is the input training data matrix (one instance per row)Y_tr
contains the labels of corresponding to each row in the data matrixrho
is the learning stepC
is the inverse regularizern_it
is the number of iterations
In [5]:
# <SOL>
# Define the logistic function
def logistic(x):
p = 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
return p
# MAP trainer.
def logregFitR(Z_tr, Y_tr, rho, C, n_it):
# Data dimension
n_dim = Z_tr.shape[1]
# Initialize variables
nll_tr = np.zeros(n_it)
pe_tr = np.zeros(n_it)
w = np.random.randn(n_dim,1)
# Running the gradient descent algorithm
for n in range(n_it):
# Compute posterior probabilities for weight w
p1_tr = logistic(, w))
p0_tr = logistic(, w))
# Compute negative log-likelihood
nll_tr[n] = -, np.log(p1_tr)) -, np.log(p0_tr))
# Update weights
w = (1-2*rho/C)*w + rho*, Y_tr - p1_tr)
return w, nll_tr
# Compute predictions for a given model
def logregPredict(Z, w):
# Compute posterior probability of class 1 for weights w.
p = logistic(, w))
# Classify
D = [int(np.round(pn)) for pn in p]
return p, D
Compute the MAP estimate for a polynomial regression with degree 5, for $C$ ranging from -0.01 to 100. Sample $C$ uniformly in a log scale, an plot using plt.semilogx
Plot the final value of $\text{NLL}$ as a function of $C$. Can you explain the qualitative behavior of $\text{NLL}$ as $C$ grows?
The plot may show some oscillation because of the random noise introduced by random initializations of the learning algoritm. In order to smooth the results, you can initialize the random seed right before calling the logregFitR
method, using
In [6]:
# <SOL>
# Set parameters
nC = 50
logC = np.linspace(-3.5, 2, num=nC)
C_all = np.exp(logC)
n_it = 2000
rho = 0.001
# Compute Z_tr
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=5)
Z_tr = poly.fit_transform(Xtrain)
# Normalize columns (this is useful to make algorithms more stable).)
Zn, mz, sz = normalize(Z_tr[:,1:])
Z_tr = np.concatenate((np.ones((n_tr, 1)), Zn), axis=1)
# Compute Z_val
Z_val = poly.fit_transform(Xval)
Zn, mz, sz = normalize(Z_val[:,1:], mz, sz)
Z_val = np.concatenate((np.ones((n_val,1)), Zn), axis=1)
dim = Z_tr.shape[1]
L = np.zeros((nC, 1))
w_all = np.zeros((nC, dim))
# Train models
for k, C in enumerate(C_all):
w, L_all = logregFitR(Z_tr, Ytrain, rho, C, n_it)
L[k] = L_all[-1]
w_all[k] = w.T
plt.semilogx(C_all, L, '.')
plt.ylabel('Negative log-likelihood')
print("As C grows, the regularization effect dissapears, and the fit method minimizes NLL.")
# </SOL>
In [7]:
# This is a plot for the last value of C used in the code above.
if Xtrain.shape[1]==2:
# Create a regtangular grid.
x_min, x_max = Xtrain[:, 0].min(), Xtrain[:, 0].max()
y_min, y_max = Xtrain[:, 1].min(), Xtrain[:, 1].max()
dx = x_max - x_min
dy = y_max - y_min
h = dy /400
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min - 0.1 * dx, x_max + 0.1 * dx, h),
np.arange(y_min - 0.1 * dx, y_max + 0.1 * dy, h))
X_grid = np.array([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]).T
# Compute Z_grid
Z_grid = poly.fit_transform(X_grid)
n_grid = Z_grid.shape[0]
Zn, mz, sz = normalize(Z_grid[:,1:], mz, sz)
Z_grid = np.concatenate((np.ones((n_grid,1)), Zn), axis=1)
# Compute the classifier output for all samples in the grid.
pp, dd = logregPredict(Z_grid, w)
pp = pp.reshape(xx.shape)
# Paint output maps
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 8, 4 # Set figure size
for i in [1, 2]:
ax = plt.subplot(1,2,i)
if i==1:
ax.contourf(xx, yy, pp,
ax.contourf(xx, yy, np.round(pp),
ax.scatter(Xtrain[:, 0], Xtrain[:, 1], c=Ytrain.flatten(), s=4, cmap='summer')
In [8]:
# <SOL>
# Train models
pe_tr = np.zeros((nC, 1))
pe_val = np.zeros((nC, 1))
for k, C in enumerate(C_all):
p_tr, D_tr = logregPredict(Z_tr, w_all[k])
p_val, D_val = logregPredict(Z_val, w_all[k])
# Compute error rates
E_tr = D_tr!=Ytrain.T
E_val = D_val!=Yval.T
# Error rates
pe_tr[k] = np.mean(E_tr)
pe_val[k] = np.mean(E_val)
plt.semilogx(C_all, pe_tr, '.-', label='Train')
plt.semilogx(C_all, pe_val, '.-', label='Validation')
print("The optimal value of C is {0}".format(C_all[np.argmin(pe_val)]))
# </SOL>
In this section we will train an SVM with Gaussian kernels. In this case, we will select parameter $C$ of the SVM by cross-validation.
Join the training and validation datasets in a single input matrix X_tr2
and a single label vector Y_tr2
In [9]:
# <SOL>
X_tr2 = np.concatenate((Xtrain, Xval), axis = 0)
Y_tr2 = np.concatenate((Ytrain, Yval), axis = 0)
# </SOL>
In [10]:
# <SOL>
n_folds = 10
C = 1
gamma = 5
n_samples = X_tr2.shape[0]
kf = model_selection.KFold(n_splits=n_folds)
pe_val = 0
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=C, gamma=1)
for tr_index, val_index in kf.split(X_tr2):
Xcv_tr, Xcv_val = X_tr2[tr_index], X_tr2[val_index]
Ycv_tr, Ycv_val = Y_tr2[tr_index], Y_tr2[val_index], np.ravel(Ycv_tr))
pe_val += 1.0 - clf.score(Xval, Yval)
pe_val = pe_val/n_folds
print("The average error rate is {0}".format(pe_val))
# </SOL>
Repeate exercise 3.2 for $\gamma=5$ and different values of $C$, ranging from $10^{-3}$ to $10^{4}$, obtained by uniform sampling in a logarithmic scale. Plot the average number of errors as function of $C$.
Note that fitting the SVM may take some time, specially for the largest values of $C$.
In [11]:
# <SOL>
C_all = np.logspace(-3, 4, 10)
n_folds = 10
n_samples = X_tr2.shape[0]
kf = model_selection.KFold(n_splits=n_folds)
gamma = 5
pe_val = np.zeros((len(C_all),1))
for k, C in enumerate(C_all):
print("C = {0}".format(C))
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=C, gamma=gamma)
for tr_index, val_index in kf.split(X_tr2):
Xcv_tr, Xcv_val = X_tr2[tr_index], X_tr2[val_index]
Ycv_tr, Ycv_val = Y_tr2[tr_index], Y_tr2[val_index], np.ravel(Ycv_tr))
pe_val[k] += 1.0 - clf.score(Xcv_val, Ycv_val)
pe_val[k] = pe_val[k]/n_folds
# Put the result into a color plot
plt.semilogx(C_all, pe_val,'.-')
# </SOL>
In [12]:
# <SOL>
C_opt = C_all[np.argmin(pe_val)]
print("The optimal value of C in the explored range is {0}".format(C_opt))
# </SOL>
In [13]:
# <SOL>
clf = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf', C=C_opt, gamma=gamma), np.ravel(Y_tr2))
pe_tst = 1.0 - clf.score(Xtest, Ytest)
print("The test error for the selected model is {0}".format(pe_tst))
# </SOL>